all > GRAD > EDC G > EDC G 698
Internship in Education
Course #: EDC G 698
An intern is an employed teacher, fulfilling the practicum requirement for licensure in his or her own classroom, under the joint supervision of a University-based faculty member and a designated mentor at the school. As a regularly employed teacher, the intern works with children and applies practical and theoretical knowledge. Interns plan lessons, teach classes, and evaluate students. They also review student records and apply their knowledge of curriculum by selecting materials and designing learning activities. They draw on current ideas and research to develop and demonstrate their own classroom teaching. Interns meet regularly with the University supervisor and other practicum students in a seminar to reflect on the practicum experience. Applicants for an internship must take two steps: 1) a special internship application form must be approved by the Department of Education, the school-based supervisor, and the University Licensure Officer; and 2) a program practicum application form must be approved by the Graduate Program Director.
This application must be filed with the Advising Office by October 1 for a spring practicum or by March 1 for a fall practicum.
Pre Requisites: